What is Vimeo?

Vimeo is a video hosting platform that lets you transform your video content into OTT streaming channels and on-demand video programming, and can help you make money on Vimeo. Their tools can help you expand your content offerings into new revenue streams and capitalize on your success through analytics. Vimeo also gives creators detailed analytics that you can use to calibrate your channel to appeal to more viewers by letting you know who is playing your videos and how they are accessing them.

How Monetize Vimeo

Vimeo offers two different ways to make money with your content, Vimeo OTT and Vimeo On Demand. OTT stands for “over the top”, as in streaming that goes “over the top” of traditional cable or satellite services or is broadcasted over the internet.

What Monetization Models are Available?

Vimeo OTT lets you turn your video content into a streamable subscriber experience or branded app. End-to-end support and tools help you to create a smooth, ad-free interface for your subscribers that can grow with you as you go. Vimeo OTT uses a SVOD (Subscription Video On Demand) model of monetization, unlike YouTube’s AVOD (Ad-Based Video On Demand) model. Apps created with Vimeo OTT can stream on a wide variety of devices and platforms including iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku. Available to paid Vimeo users, Vimeo On Demand is designed for those who have video titles they want to sell or rent individually. It uses a TVOD (Transaction Video On Demand) monetization model to sell video content access, and includes PPV (Pay-Per-View) live events. Vimeo On Demand creators receive 90% of the proceeds from their video sales, which is more than other hosting platforms. However, if your goal is to give subscribers access to a range of content they can stream over time instead of paying for videos individually, Vimeo OTT may be a more appropriate option.

From Streaming Channels to Branded Apps

Vimeo supports monetization of your content stream whether you want to sell access to a few great videos or focus on a branded experience for your subscribers that lets you expand your reach on a variety of devices, from websites to mobile apps to Roku and Tizen. Their team handles the technical aspects of app development, allowing you to direct your resources toward creating and marketing your unique material. Vimeo also offers many useful tools and options that you may not have access to currently, including taking pre-orders for upcoming content, choosing distribution regions, trailers for your videos, free 30 day trial subscriptions, and adding extras like mp3 or PDF files.

Monetization Beyond Vimeo and YouTube

If you are still searching for more options to monetize your video content and increase your revenue, consider checking out VlogBox, a new service that partners with video content creators to reach an ever growing audience of OTT and streaming viewers. VlogBox offers SVOD and AVOD monetization and a range of tools and support for bringing your video content to market, and provides a YouTube alternative for those who want to take advantage of AVOD as well as building a subscriber base. VlogBox can help you combine monetization models in a hybrid approach that is perfect for your market. Their specialized experience with branded Roku channels and customized, branded streaming apps brings new opportunities to content creators!

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